The Dodecagons
READ the 1988 essay by Barbara Rose – Ronald Davis: Objects and Illusions
Dodecagon, 1968
60 1/2 x 134 inches, (shaped)
Ring, 1968
60 1/2 x 134 inches, (shaped)
Collection: Museum of Modern Art, NYC
Double Ringed Roto, 1968
60 ½ x 136 inches
The Anderson Collection, Stanford University, CA
Ring Skew, 1968
60 1/2 x 134 inches
Purple Top, 1968
60 1/2 x 134 inches
Inside Light, 1968
60 1/2 x 136 inches, (shaped)
Collection: Frederick R. Weisman Foundation
Lemon, 1969
• 50 1/2 x 132 inches
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